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Minéraux et matériaux
Dellisanti F., Calafato A., Pini G.A., Moro D., Ulian G., Valdrè G. 2018. Effects of dehydration and grinding on the mechanical shear behaviour of Ca-rich montmorillonite. Applied Clay Science, 152, 239-248.
Dellisanti F., Valdrè, G., 2012. The role of microstrain on the thermostructural behaviour of industrial kaolin deformed by ball milling at low mechanical load. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 102/103, 69-77.
Dellisanti F., Minguzzi V., Valdrè G. 2011. Mechanical and thermal properties of a nanopowder talc compound produced by controlled ball milling. Journal of Nanoparticles Research, 13, 5919-5926, DOI. 10.1007/s11051-011-0541-6.
Dellisanti, F., Valdrè, G., 2010. On the high-temperature structural behaviour of talc, Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 up to 1600°C. Effect of mechanical deformation and strain. Philosophical Magazine, 90/17-18, 2443-2457.
Dellisanti F., Valdrè G., Mondonico M. 2009. Changes of the main physical and technological properties of talc due to mechanical strain. Applied Clay Science, 42/3-4, 398-404.
Dellisanti F., Valdrè G. 2008. Linear relationship between thermo-dehydroxylation and induced-strain by mechanical processing in vacuum: the case of industrial kaolinite, talc and montmorillonite. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 88, 94-99.
Christidis G., Dellisanti F., Valdrè G., Makri P. 2005. Structural modifications of smectites mechanically deformed under controlled conditions. Clay Minerals, 40/4, 511-522.
Dellisanti F., Valdrè G. 2005. Study of structural properties of ion treated and mechanically deformed commercial bentonite. Applied Clay Science, 28, 233-244.
Dellisanti F., Magurno S., Polisi M. 2024. Amianto naturale nell'area mineraria di Monteneve, Val Passiria (BZ): tecniche analitiche di identificazione e caratterizzazione mineralogica di Amosite (Cummingtonite-Grunerite). La geologia ambientale al servizio del paese, atti del convegno, supplemento GdA 1/2024, 31-35.
Dellisanti F., Rossi P.L., Valdrè G. 2009. In-field remediation of tons of heavy metals-rich waste by Joule heating vitrification. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 93, 239-245.
Dellisanti F., Rossi P.L., Valdrè G. 2009. Remediation of asbestos containing materials by Joule heating vitrification performed in a pre-pilot apparatus. International Journal of Mineral Processing 91/3-4, 61-67.
Dellisanti F., Rossi P.L., Valdrè G. 2007. Mineralogical and chemical characterization of Joule heated soil contaminated by ceramics industry sludge with high Pb contents. International Journal of Mineral Processing 83, 89-98.
Dellisanti F., Minguzzi V., Morandi N. 2002. Experimental results from thermal treatment of asbestos containing materials. GeoActa, 1, 61-70.
Géologie et Géoressources
Garofalo P., Maffei J., Papeschi S., Dellisanti F., Neff C., Schwarz G., Schmidt P.K., Gunther D., 2023. Fluid-rock interaction, skarn genesis, and hydrothermal alteration within an upper crustal fault zone (Island of Elba, Italy) Ore Geology Reviews, 154.
Stivaletta N., Dellisanti F., D’Elia M., Fonti S., Mancarella F. 2013. Multiple techniques for mineral identification of terrestrial evaporites relevant to Mars exploration. Icarus, 224, 86-96.
Ogata K., Pini G.A., Carè M., Zélic M., and Dellisanti F. 2012. Progressive development of block-in-matrix fabric in a shale-dominated shear zone: insights from the Bobbio Tectonic Window (Northern Apennines, Italy). Tectonics, 2012, 31/1, TC1003-1 - TC1003-21.
Dellisanti F., Pini G.A., Baudin F. 2010. Use of Tmax as a thermal maturity indicator in orogenic successions and comparison with clay minerals evolution. Clay Minerals, 45/1, 115-130.
Dellisanti F., Pini G.A., Tateo F., Baudin F. 2008. The role of tectonic shear strain on the illitization mechanism of mixed-layers illite-smectite. a case study from a fault zone in the Northern Apennines, Italy. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 97, 601-616.
Pini, G.A. Lucente, C.C., Cowan, D.S., De Libero, C.M., Dellisanti F., Landuzzi A., Negri A., Tateo, F., Del Castello M., Morrone, M., 2004. The role of olistostromes and argille scagliose in the structural evolution of the Northern Apennines. In: (Guerrieri, L., Rischia, I., Serva, L., Ed.) Field Trip Guidebooks, 32 International Geological Congress. Memorie Descrittive della Carta Geologica d'Italia, 63/1.
Conservation biens culturels
Marocchi, M., Dellisanti F., Bargossi G.M., Gasparotto G., Grillini G.C., Foschi, A., Rossi P.L. 2010. SEM-XRD investigation of deterioration morphologies and consolidation prior to restoration. The case of Porta Nuova in Ravenna (Italy). Periodico di Mineralogia, 79-1, 81-93.
Marocchi, M., Dellisanti F., Bargossi G.M., Gasparotto G., Grillini G.C., Rossi P.L. 2009. Mineralogical-petrographic characterisation and provenance of “Porta Nuova” stones: A XVI century gate in Ravenna (Italy). Periodico di Mineralogia, 78/2, 13-28.
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